Status Report/Notes for the Meeting that was held to discuss the drainage issues which plague the road below 4017 HHL(These issues eventually then effect residents on Segment D [Upper Higuera Rd]) Parcels that attended: 4002, 4004, 4009, 4012, 4020 and
Board of Forestry Meetings and June Road Meetings
First up: Board of Forestry meeting info:Links to register for this week’s (6/7/22) meetings are at the bottom of this page under Upcoming Webinars. Or copy and paste the link: Second: no road meetings for the month of June.
Stay In the Loop
Back at the big September meeting a number of residents thought having an email mailing list would be a good thing and so I set one up. It is Sadly no one has yet to subscribe to the new
There is now a mailing list. To subscribe go here. Be sure to use your REAL NAME when entering in your information. Of course if your name is actually Elizabeth Lawrence Tagget but you go by just “Liz Tagget”, then
Open Forum: Association Discussion
At last Saturday’s meeting just about everyone was in agreement with the proposed idea to restart the past road association and updating the old bylaws as necessary. At the close of the meeting I said that in addition to posting
Road Meeting Presentation Video
The video of Sunday’s presentation is finally online. There was a good bit of post work to be done to fix the audio that went missing. This was delayed as I needed to rest my voice and fit the recording
Mailing List Finally Available.

There is now a mailing list for residents of Higuera Rd, Higuera Highland and Quail Canyon. To join follow the link below, but first some basic information about the list. To join the list you will be asked to
New Safety Resources Page!
Carrying on from the page developed for our greater Nextdoor neighborhood, I’ve coped that information, and expanded it a bit for use here. Feel free to bookmark the page, and also feel free to let me now if you know
Are you on Nextdoor?
If not why? No seriously…why? There is no real downside to signing up for the site especially as you can tune when you receive email notifications and what said notifications will contain. In fact when a user from the greater
Is your contact info correct?
Please take a moment to review your contact info via the “Road Data” menu link. If your address/APN’s information needs updated, please send an email to Also, I’ve been slowly working on a list of road options regarding drainage