10-14-18 Higuera Road Association Meeting  Minutes


Those attending

Committee: Dennis Taylor, Janet Beagle, Gavin Botha, LC Boros, Mike Smith, Joe Mitcham, Gene Mandere, Alex Gaviola


A) Outstanding Issues

B) Current status

C) Cost Structure

D) Bank Info

E Contractor Quotes. See A as well

A) Outstanding issues from previous meetings:

1. Bank Account: still pending Ardell

2. Outside surveys and quotes: we have received one quote so far

3. Next road work day and area: TBD as dependent on new developments.


B) Current Status

1. A third letter was hand delivered to all residents.  LC was able to speak to the majority of residents with just a handful unreachable.  We now have valid contact for almost all parcel owners.  


2. HR/Balcom cut through

a. Work continues at the cut through.  Fencing should be completed this week and AB will be put in place prior to paving.  Drainage along the north side will be addressed.

b. Paving may occur during off hours

c. Drainage on the high side of HR near Ardell’s driveway also needs sorted.

3. HR/HHL intersection still pending due to cut through.  This section is of growing concern.


4. Section of HR after QC (white fence)

LC will send Geotech information to Joe (Craig Reid @ C2 Earth http://www.c2earth.com)

5. HHL Curb Cuts (past 4012 on the way to 4017)

a. Joe and Gavin will work to get this water access working.

b. Need to involve residents of 4007 (we do not yet have their contact info but LC will work on this.)
C) Cost Structure

1.  The distances in the inherited SS are inaccurate.  

a. Gavin and Janet will borrow Dennis’s measuring wheel and re-measure.  They’ll then update the SS.


D) Bank info still pending


E) Contactor Quote

1. We will branch out to solicit other options

2. Joe Mitchum will provide his estimates

3. Jose from 4125 may also be of assistance.


1. Next meeting in 2-3 weeks

2. Large Resident meeting target moved to November.  Manuel Quaresma has offered to host so we won’t have to go off-site.


Meeting Minutes for 10-14-18