A formal engineering report detailing the conditions of the entire road system will soon be complete.  Once available, the report will be posted in full here (on higuera.org) for all parcel owners to review.  In order to keep discussions focussed, the working group recommends Segment A be considered first — from the start of Higuera to the intersection of Quail Canyon.  As parcel owners along that segment would not be responsible for any costs incurred for repairs to other segments this will reduce the size of subsequent discussions.  

Additional posts will follow detailing the suggested process for collecting bids, having contractors present those bids to residents, and many other facets to ensure the entire process is open and transparent.  

We strongly encourage joining the residents@higuera.org mailing by clicking here.  Joining the list ensures you will be notified of new posts to the website and can easily participate in discussions regarding the road.

Long Awaited Update: Waiting on the Engineering Report