HR Meeting for 10/18/21
Basic Agenda
1) Website
a) New Skin and streamlined menus into single location
Added new code page, moved old videos to 3rd party hosting, added new meeting drop down
2) Bylaws Changes/Reactivate?
a) “Association” Use of the word creates bad feelings in some people so we’re going to change the term to Committee.
I am hoping people actually sit down and read the old Bylaws as their primary function was to setup a somewhat formal organization and method for handling road maintenance.
b) Representation for each Segment!!
A: Diana Andrade (HR)
B: Stephen Ribbs (QC)
C: Kari Meneses (QC) (This segment technically has no developed parcels but in addition to the white fence section (Mend includes the western RR property under dev, the easter RR property currently for sale and the two of the pasture parcels owned by the Wool family.)
D: Open (HR) Will reach out to Gavin Botha
E: LC Boros (HHL)
Each rep will reach out to those residents on their segment.
c) Water association and SCC Valley Water? What is happening???
Currently this is on indefinite hold. Separate post will be made with more details.
d) SCC Planning and Board of Forestry
Fire Regulations and Impact on New Dev
See Earlier posts for links/details
3) Next meeting is in two weeks via Zoom.
Other: A mailing list was created per requests of residents at the Info Sept Meeting: so far ONE person has subbed.
If you attended this meeting and/or volunteered to be a segment representative, I need your email address so you can be added as an editor to the SS on Google Docs and thus be able to make necessary changes to resident/parcel contact information .