Residents will have noticed that this week a bit of pot hole repair was completed along Segments A and C. This effort was led by Gavin Botha and the costs were covered by the remaining funds in the old bank account from the last repaving effort back in 1999.

In addition some repairs were completed on section D. This effort was also led by Gavin Botha and the costs were covered privately by a few residents.

And lastly, segment C needs some love: the weeds at the sweeping turn and along the creek just beyond are reaching into the road. Anyone willing to volunteer to lead a weed trimming group sometime this month?

Summer 2024 Small Repairs and Maintenance
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One thought on “Summer 2024 Small Repairs and Maintenance

  • June 18, 2024 at 12:44 pm

    thank you Gavin for your efforts to get the potholes fixed in segment A, it looks good!
    Dennis Taylor

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