There are two developing changes of which all residents should be aware. The first is the creation of a new defensible zone: termed Zone0 which is a 5′ perimeter around structures. Perhaps the best link covering this change is this one via CalFire.
In addition here is a quick screen grab to visually explain the new change.

Now for the bigger news: it looks like the proposed road and access rule changes are moving forward. No definitive word on what that will mean for Higuera, but residents should look through the materials here — under State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations.
It looks like there will be a meeting in early June that can be attended online. Right now the site does not contain specific information regarding public attendee registrations, but I have a call in to the department to find out when that will be available. I will post any information I get to this website and I encourage all residents to register and attend as there are significant changes proposed related to access roads within the SRA like Higuera .
And now for a spot of good news. Many of you know Carlos as he does landscaping work for some residents plus he pastures his horses across from Bob The Cowboy. In the next week or so he will see to the weeds along the edge of the road, mainly at the sweeping curve/saddle just past the wonky white fence.
The latest revision of the Fire Safe Regulations is open for 15-day comment period right now. The previous draft included language that would distinguish new from existing roads and specifically exempt single-family home construction. However this latest draft removed all that language and reverts the draft almost entirely to existing law language (i.e. very few changes are being proposed). This is bad news for many landowners in Santa Clara County, where the law is interpreted to mean that all roads must be widened to 20′ and new homes can’t be built on most dead-end roads.